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When I originally began my journey in my Master’s program I really had to think about the path I wanted to take.  I have been someone who considered myself good with technology.  I grew up around technology from the time I was about 10.  I’m the person my family calls for help when they can’t send an email; or the person my co-workers go to when they can’t figure out how to find something online.  Technology has always been a strong suit of mine.  I knew when I saw technology as an option that was the path I wanted to take. 
Technology is such a big part of our lives now.  The types of technology we can offer our students is growing all the time. As a teacher I have always wanted to learn more about what I can use in my classroom.  I came into these courses with that idea in mind.  Unfortunately I was not blessed with technology in my classroom.  I truly believed this would hinder my learning experience.  Man was I way off.  Not having technology in my classroom only allowed me to open new doors of what I could use.
Although my journey in my Master’s program is coming to an end, I do not want to stop learning.  I do plan to take a break from my formal education for a little.  I want to give myself time to use and explore the new technologies I have been introduced to in my classroom.  I would like to engage my students more with some of these ideas.  The biggest thing I want to explore and introduce to my classroom more was the idea of creating a course for my students.
In TE 831 I designed a fractions course for my students to take online.  I have built time into my schedule to allow my students to take this course.  Ultimately I would like to create another unit for students to take at home.  This could be used as a homework site for students.  This would require more professional development on my part.  I am familiar with two sites to create different courses on.  I feel I would need more training on other sites.  It’s important for me to feel comfortable with the sites that are out there.  I know the sites I have currently used are great, but are there others that would fit my students needs better?  This something I need to explore and learn more about. 
I would also like to start professional development on the technologies that I have in my classroom, or hope to have.  For example, many teachers in my district have SmartBoards.  This is something I do not currently have, but hope to have at some point.  I think it would be in my best interest to start educating myself with its features and how I can benefit my students learning from such a resource.  That being said, I think it would also benefit me as a teacher and a student to learn about technologies that may have similar functions as a SmartBoard.  There is always a chance that I don’t receive one, however if I learn more about similar technologies I may have be able to benefit much sooner. 
My education does not stop with how I learn and grow as a student.  I mentioned earlier that I considered myself good with technology.  After choosing this path for my Master’s program, I still stand by that statement.  It is important to educate those around me.   I think my education and professional development is important to share with others.  I would like to look into featuring some of the technologies at my school that I am proud of.  This could be anything from a workshop with other teachers to an actual presentation of what I have learned.  There are so many teachers in my school and district who could benefit from learning about these amazing tools.
To me, a big part of my continuous education is to keep up with the new arriving technologies.  Currently, a huge part of how I learn about newer technologies is through my Master’s program.  Not having that support system will be a little harder for me.  I will need to really take it upon myself to be motivated and learn more about what is up and coming.  Not only do I want to do this for me, but I want to empower my students to continue educating themselves on important issues and topics in their lives.  Although my education with Michigan State University is coming to an end, my education with technology will continue to grow.     

Always Learning

Blair Schwartz 

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